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Welcome to

Our Lady of the

Holy Rosary Church

           Welcome to
           Our Lady of
  the Holy Rosary Parish
           21 queen st. s.
            Thorold, On.


Mass Times

Tuesday to Saturday: 8:00am

Saturday: 5:00pm (with Children's Liturgy of the Word)
Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am (Italian), 11:00am (with Children's Liturgy of the Word)


ARISE AND BECOME WHO YOU ARE!: The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) issued a Pastoral Letter to Young People on 12 October 2022 in honour of the anniversary of the death of Blessed Carlo Acutis, the first beatified millennial. This Pastoral Letter responds to the CCCB’s virtual conversations with over 200 young people from across Canada, between the ages 12 to 25, held in the fall of 2020. It is meant to inspire young Catholics to live their faith in an extraordinary way, encouraging them to strive toward holiness, and assuring them of the steadfast support and accompaniment of their Priests and Bishops along their individual journeys of faith. Visit the CCCB website to read the full Pastoral Letter and for tools and resources that may help for individual reflection. For more information contact


SYNOD 2021-2024 "Communion, Participation and Mission": 

The Holy See’s General Secretariat of the Synod issued the Document for the Continental Stage (DCS) of the 2021-2024 Synod: For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission. The Continental Synthesis will be drafted in February 2023 and submitted to the Secretariat of the Synod by March 31, 2023. Begun in October 2021, the “Synod on Synodality” was recently extended by Pope Francis through October 2024, to allow for more time for enhanced discernment from both the members of the Synodal Assembly as well as the People of God. The Universal Phase of the Synod will be held in two parts, the first in October 2023 and the second a year later in October 2024. The Document for the Continental Stage is available at Bishop Raymond Poisson, CCCB President and member of the writing team for the Canadian National Synthesis, has noted that the DCS “invites us to continue to meet, discuss and question, in a spiritual and prayerful context, in order to bring our Church to where the Spirit is leading it. We have all experienced that this ‘walking together as Church’ does not end; but it does have a goal: to create a space for the mission of every baptized person.” 

Diocese of St. Catharines Synod 2021-23 Consultaton Summary Report

Regional (Ontario) Synthesis

National Synthesis



READINGS OF THE DAY - Click here for daily Mass readings

The Prayer of the Synod

Adsumus Sancte Spiritus

We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name. With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts; Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it. We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder. Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions. Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right. All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever. Amen. 

Your gift - no matter the amount - will ensure that our mission continues for generations to come.


As believers in God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and believers in the Salvation revealed by Jesus Christ, the very existence of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church is to be a living witness of God’s promises to human beings.


Sunday, March 20, 2022


Sunday, March 27, 2022


Sunday, April 3, 2022


We welcome everyone back to in-person Mass celebrations.


Third Sunday in Lent


Fourth Sunday in Lent


Fifth Sunday in Lent


We welcome everyone back to in-person Mass celebrations.

DAILY TV MASS: Daily Mass is live-streamed from the Cathedral of St. Catherine of Alexandria at 12:10pm Monday to Saturday. Click here or visit . Daily Mass may be viewed on Vision TV: Sunday 8:00 am; Monday to Friday 8:00 am and 12:00 pm; Saturday 8:00 am and 9:30 am or on Salt & Light TV: Sunday 11:00 am and 10:30 pm; Monday to Saturday 6:30 am, 11:00 am, 3:00 pm and 10:30 pm.  Please contact your television package provider to ensure that you have access to these channels.

Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration of the Blessed  Sacrament


The Adoration Chapel is open from 8:30am (after the 8:00am Mass) until 5:00pm Tuesday to Friday and from 8:30am to 3:30pm on Saturday.  The Adoration Chapel is closed on Statutory Holidays.


Praying the Rosary

The Rosary is prayed Tuesday to Saturday

before morning Mass

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